Waikoloa Baptist Church and the Keikiland Preschool ministry started in 1989 and were located behind the Waikoloa fire station. In April 1992 the land we are currently on was purchased by the Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention (HPBC). This church was a mission church of FBC Waimea and in September 1994 building permits were issued. In September 1996 two Occupancy permits were issued, one for a church and one for a church/daycare. In 1998 WBC constituted as a church and in March of 2003 HPBC deeded the property over to WBC.
Waikoloa Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church, and a member of the Hawaiian Pacific Baptist Association and the Big Island Baptist Association:
SBC History: https://wbchawaii.org/history/sbc-history/
HPBC: https://wbchawaii.org/history/hpbc-history/
BIBA https://www.facebook.com/BIBAonline/
Waikoloa Baptist Church follows the doctrinal statement known as the Baptist Faith and Message 2000: http://www.sbc.net/bfm2000/bfm2000.asp
Position Statements: http://www.sbc.net/aboutus/positionstatements.asp
We believe in the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. We give to these efforts both locally as well as within the Southern Baptist Convention’s Cooperative Program: http://www.cpmissions.net/2003/what%20is%20cp.asp